How to separate platform api from kotlin multi-platform project

Previously, we talked about how to share code across platforms in kotlin world. But as your code base grows, you will encounter a scenario where you might want decouple the code. Things like separating the platform specific implementation to another repo in order to reuse them in a future project. Well, lucky you, this is our topic today.

1. Overall structure

  • Project platforms
    • This repo contains the platform implementation. The repo provides you with a universal API across platforms as well as the platform implementation.
    • This is the code base where you need to implement each API twice or thirds depends on how many platforms you want to support.
  • Project lib
    • This is the common code which you want to share across all platforms without any change. Such that, you can invoke UserService.findAll() to retrieve all the users no matter which platform you are working on.
    • This code will rely on project platforms. For instance, an API like UserService.findAll(), it needs to do an HTTP call where the actual implementation of sending an HTTP request is different across platforms. While using project platforms, this project lib can purely focus on the core business logic.
  • Project app
    • This is could be a native app which will call project lib for preparing all the data, while it only needs to focus on the UI and UX. Or maybe some native platform-specific feature.

This is a reasonable approach, at least to me. Where every project could focus on their own business.

2. Setup the project platforms

This is the easiest one. Because it’s just a typical kotlin multi-platform project setup. You can read the official document for more detail. And you see my blog if you want to do code sharing between iOS and Android.

It should contain the platform implementation and the related tests.

The folder structure is straightforward:

  • common: for common code which contains all the expect class.
  • platforms:
    • jvm: contains actual class implementation for a jvm
    • js: contains actual class implementation for a js

3. Setup the project lib

The folder structure is like:

  • common: business logic that we want to share across platforms
  • bundle
    • jvm: Where we actually test and build the common for the jvm platform.
    • js: Where we actually test and build the common for the js platform.

This is one is a little bit tricky because we want to make it common. To things needs to take care here are:

  1. We need to add the common part from project platforms as dependencies.
  2. We want to test this common business logic.
  3. When we compile, we need to combine the platform implementations from project platforms along with the common to yield a platform-specific package.

First, let’s solve them one by one:

  1. Add common part as dependencies, I tried many ways, including adding the generated jar file or sources-jar file. Always something wrong here, either the auto-completion stops works, or the internal member can’t be recognized while the namespace could be recognized. Only 2 ways work:
  • Just embed the source code from project platforms :common in you sourceSets: main.kotlin.srcDirs += "$kotlin_idiom_path/interfaces/main"
  • Add that common module as a subproject and add it to the dependencies.
  • I prefer the 1st one because now your gradle settings won’t contain any noises. It will benefit the side-panel of gradle in IDEA as well.
  1. In terms of the test, you just write the tests in this common folder. But you can’t run the tests, you need to run them against the certain platform, otherwise, they are common code, which platform for them to run?

  2. This is where the bundle coming into play. For building and testing. Let’s take jvm for example.

  • First of all, you don’t need to add any code here, this folder, as its name indicates, just for bundling code together. So, under in :bundle:jvm subproject, it only contains a build.gradle file.
  • You need to use kotlin-platform-jvm to compile this module
  • In the sourceSets setting: you need to add the source code from all the 3 places, both common modules from project platforms and this project lib, the source code of platform implementation from project platforms.
  • You need to add the tests only from common module of project lib, such that you can run the tests. And it won’t run the tests from project platforms, because they will be taken care there. You don’t need to worry about that. Now run the gradle :bundle:jvm test will run the tests.
  • Why I add the source code rather than use the jar file? Well, hard lessons learned, this is the only way currently.

4. The end

Now run the :bundle:jvm build, it will build a lib to that platform. Try to consume it, it works really well. :) If you want to know how to make :bundle:ios, :bundle:js, just see my blog.

Thanks for reading!

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